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Friday, October 31, 2014

Reflection Week 4

There has been a lot to comment about this week. The links that I have found to enhanced my lessons. I was trying to answer the weekly Web skills’ assignments, but from time to time I come across valuable websites to be sued by my students.
It is great to use Google drive account which I created in the past, but it was useless for me, but now, I do recognize the utility it would provide for me and my classroom. I was able to send my model lesson to my moderator.

I had also the opportunity to think of my students’ predicament, in dealing with writing. I have thought of extending the use of blog for their benefits.

I have the opportunity to read some posts of my web skill class colleagues and see how close sometimes our problems are. I think we need to think of global solutions for our classroom problems for our common milieu.


  1. Dear Abdesalam,

    I cannot agree more with your comment on how similar issues and problems we have in our classrooms and on your idea on global solutions.

    That is why I have created this new blog. Please visit it and leave your comment on the idea

    Gordana from Serbia

  2. Hello Abdesalam,

    I agree with you and Gordana that we all have similar issues and problems. It is just that the problems present themselves differently in different situations.

    I hope an ardently pray that someday your suggested idea of global solutions will become a reality.

    Looking towards that bright future....

    Sharmila from India

    1. Thank you, I have visited your well-crafted blog
